How to Docker Compose Vue.js, .NET Core and MSSQL

Introduction In this blog post we will see how to dockerize ASP.NET Core application, which connects to a MSSQL database and uses Vue.js as front-end. After that we will use them together with Docker Compose. We will use these projects in this tutorial. I have to admit it was harder than I thought it would be. Backend Application Let’s start with exploring our backend application. It consists of a single endpoint which returns information about a phone book entry:...

March 21, 2021 · Hasan Hasanov

How to Debug Live .NET Application

Introduction One of the most time-consuming parts of application development is debugging. This already hard part of our day to day life can easily become a nightmare if the application crashes only on production and you cannot reproduce it on your local machine. Fortunately, we have .NET tools which can come really handy in these scenarios. The Problem To demonstrate what I am talking about imagine that we have an API that serves weather data....

February 27, 2021 · Hasan Hasanov

How to Host .NET Core Applications in VPS Using Docker

Introduction This is a continuation from my previous article Where To Host .NET Applications . Go check that one too. In this blog post we will create a simple .NET application. Then we will dockerize it the easy way and host it in a Linux VPS so that the whole world can see it. Create simple application Let’s start with creating the application. As I said the application will be a simple one....

February 13, 2021 · Hasan Hasanov

Where to Host .NET Core Applications

Where to host .NET Core applications? When I first started programming, I was eager to build an application and show it to the whole world. I could write some simple web sites, but I have no idea what a hosting is. In this post I want to help some new programmers to showcase their ideas and applications. A hosting is not necessarily something expensive. On the contrary if it is a brand-new site you probably do not want to go big in the beginning....

January 10, 2021 · Hasan Hasanov

Code First With EF Core - the Easy Way

Imagine the following situation… That you are new in the world of programming minding your own business and suddenly decide to develop a .NET Core application with a pretty simple database access using code first approach. You did some research and conclude the use of Entity Framework as your ORM of choice. First few lines of code Since .NET Core bootstraps a weather application out of the box you decide to just to extend it....

December 20, 2020 · Hasan Hasanov